Sweet huh? :) This was a photo taken by erm... Huili if I'm not mistaken, at Ben & Jerry's. It was taken using a polaroid camera, so I decided to "digital-ize" it. This way, we can always look back at our younger days when we grow old together next time. These important moments, of course, happen only once.
I believe that after many, many years down the road, it'll be quite touching to look back at this photo. As couples, like any other couples, a relationship is always filled with chili and cheese. There's ups and downs, happy and sad moments. Over the years, we would have experienced so many things together and I wouldn't want to forget any of it. This picture will definitely bring back fond memories :)
I love you, Sally ;)
Always do.
I'm so glad u actually immortalise the picture before it fades out! Its one of our first few photos and I really wouldn't want it to be gone just like that :)
I'm sure you are the gentle but potent cheese while I'm the harmless looking but fiery chilli padi. :p
Agree we would experience all ups and downs of a relationship and for me too, I want all of them, good and bad immortalised too :D
Thanks darling for this entry that makes everyone jealous... hahaha! :p
Love you Hong Huei.
Always do.
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